Monday, August 29, 2011 @ 2:31 AM I have this very bad habit of overspending on too many unnecessary stuffs. I think I bought *counts in my head* 9 pairs of wedges this year and 4 pairs of my wedges are rotting at home. I've only used 2 of those pairs once, and the other 2 pairs is hiding in my room under my bed. *lol* I think my dad will kill me if he sees them in my room. Scawee~ (not!) Mum says that i gotta control myself from having the urge to buy something everytime I go out & my sister keeps telling me that the devil is around me all the time asking me to buy this and that. But shopping does release stress sometimes y'know? I bet most of the girls out there would agree to this statement! Shall get my beauty sleep right now, catch me next time! Kicks & Punches, XO :') Sunday, August 28, 2011 @ 6:16 PM So everyone's talking about the headlines of Mr Dr Tony Tan becoming the new president. Me and family all voted for him and our gut feeling says that he's gonna win it fo sho and also cus he seem to be the hot favourite among all. Congrats Dr Tony! :') I don't get it why some singaporeans are so worked up on him winning the title. In Singapore the one that has more power is the Prime Minister so who cares if who wins as the President? As what people always say, the president is just the "puppet". So yeah people, get over it. Its over. So moving on.. Send my bibik back to Indonesia for 10days as she wanted to celebrate Hari Raya at her own country this year. So from now till 8th September im the new maid in the house. (NOT) I've helped to clean up my room, wash my own plate, fold clothes, but not ironing clothes. Im always afraid to iron the clothes sometimes cus i once iron my dad's hari raya baju and it burnt into a big hole. My bad! Ciao! Xx ; you know you love me♥, XOXOSaturday, August 27, 2011 @ 8:55 PM Been wanting to do a proper update but i was taken aback by some things. Reason No.1 - I have a stalker who knows everywhere i go, with whoever i go, just name anything and everything. And it really drives me up the wall sometimes! Reason No.2 - My mum reads my blog now. If you're reading now, HELLO MUMMY, please press Ctrl + F4 now. You should be asking me on my daily life instead of reading my blog behind my back thank you very nice :D Reason No.3 - Life's been pretty way too awesome for me to even think of this site. Reason No.4 - Time is passing by too fast to even get my fingers on my keyboard. Reason No.5 - I'm oblivious that I totally neglected this site cus' im either busy on facebook, twitter, formspring or playing my girly game on the iPad. *roll eyes* Will blog again cherrie pies :') Laters! XO ; you know you love me♥, XOXO @ 1:27 AM ; you know you love me♥, XOXO Friday, August 26, 2011 @ 1:08 AM I've decided to block and remove some people from my social networking sites. For Good. Nuff Said. X ; you know you love me♥, XOXO
| ♥The-Girl-Next-Door. Im no extraordinary girl. I just wanna rid my life of pointless shit, that's all. I want my life to matter. till then, You know you love me, XOXO♥. Get the guts to spill the beans :')
♥Pretty Please?
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